27.06.2020 - Catch

Højbjerg & Simmelsgaard will host the soloexhibition, 'Catch', embracing pictures and 3d objects.  

On occasion of the show Supamodu has brought an extensive feature and Articulate has brought and interview.


09.10.2019 - The Danish Perspective

Together with Henrik Godsk Ole Tersløse will participate in the exhibition 'The Danish Perspective' at Rompone Artspace in Köln curated by Claudia Cosmo.

Ole Tersløse will show three works from the series of "Mushroom Children" as well as a large sculpturel installation named Ouroboros Child showing a hybrid between a child and an earthworm catching it's own tail.

09.09.2019 - Planet Art, Kühlhaus Berlin

Planet Art - A group exhibition with international artists during Berlin Art Week. The exhibition is arranged  in a collaboration with NABU -  one of the oldest and largest environment associations in Germany.

Ole Tersløse will show new works in the series of 'Strange Birds'. In a fairytale-like enviroment birds and humans are constantly changing behavoir patterns and so asking if it is possible to define real differencies between humans and other species on earth.

18.12.2018 - site specific installation Skovsnogen

Ole Tersløse has created a site specific installation for Skovsnogen Deep Forest Artland. The installation resembles a campfire with a flaming head with peacefully closed eyes.

Dr. Barbara Aust-Wegemund (german curator) has featured the installation on her blog and written an article on artipole

23.02.2018 - Angry Boys at Det ny Kastet.

Angry Boys is a group exhibition gathering together a group of international acclaimed male artists. The only danish artists invited are Henrik Godsk and Ole Tersløse.

Angry Boys is curated by Claudia Cosmo, Rompone Art Space in Köln. The exhibition has been recommanded on kunsten.nu and has received a positive review in Kunstavisen.


22.10.2017 - Angling Boy at Vesthimmerland Museum of Art

Angling Boy - Ole Tersløse's contribution for the first number of TRANS-FIGURATION exhibitions - has been featured by dr. Barbara Aust-Wegemund on Artslant and her own website AHC - Art History Consulting


11.09.2017 - Interview in Whitehot Magazine 

Noah Becker - editor of Whitehot Magazine of Contemporary Art - has interviewed Ole Tersløse on occasion of his contribution to the exhibition 'Genius Loci' at Drostei Foundation, in Pinneberg.

Go to the interview

10.09.2017 - Genuis Loci

On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the DROSTEI, this non-profit culture center and arts foundation in Pinneberg, Hamburg, will gather 11 danish contemporary artists for the group show 'Genius Loci'.

The curator of the exhibition Dr. Barbara Aust-Wegemund has written this piece about Ole Tersløse's contribution for the exhibition.


Together with Henrik Godsk Ole Tersløse has established the art group TRANS-FIGURATION.

Maria Torp and Tanja K Jensen are invited for the first exhibition at Mark Rothko Centre, Daugavpils.

24.03.2017 - BLIXA Artzine release #5

Ole Tersløse contributes with two works for BLIZA Artzine release #5.

The topic for the fifth release of the artzine is zoology. Among the other contributing artists should be mentioned Hartmut Stockter, Rasmus Albertsen and Julie Nord.


10.12.2016 - Lost in the Clouds

Vendsyssel Museum of Art shows Ole Tersløse´s series 'Lost in the Clouds' as a soloexhibition. The elliptical shaped lambdaprints show children in situations they cannot fathom and that plunge them into a kind of existential confusion.

The series has been featured on Articulate, kunstlivet.dk (danish) and Kunstmagasinet Janus (danish - hard copy release).

02.12.2016 - Temporary

Together with Ina Sangenstedt and Marta Antoniak Ole Tersløse participates in 'Temporary' - a groupshow at Collectiva Gallery.

Collectiva Gallery is located at Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin and the gallery works with emerging and established contemporary artists working with new media as well as sculpture and painting.

08.10.2016 - More than a Thousand words

Galerie Provence, DK, has chosen Gabor A. Nagy, Berit HeggenHouggen-Jensen and Ole Tersløse for the exhibition 'More than a Thousand Words'.

Nagy is a Berlin-based painter, and Heggenhouggen-Jensen belongs to 'The Young Wild Ones' - a group of danish and german artists that gained a lot of attention in the eighties.

25.06.2016 - Røstad Edwards Fine Art

In U.S Ole Tersløse is now represented by Røstad Edwards Fine Art located in Wynwood Art District, Miami.


30.04.2016 - Artist profile on Kunsten.nu

Kunsten.nu - the leading danish online art magazine - has released an online database with short introductions to comtemporary danish artists. The piece about Ole Tersløse can be read here (danish).

17.04.2016 - Books

Ole Tersløse participates Books - Arebyte Gallery, London.

Books is a series of exhibitions in art galleries, art museums, art institutions and art biennales around the world, featuring a selection of unique printed books with Facebook timelines by prolific artists and heavy users who make social media a part of their daily practice.

01.11.2015 - The Wrong

Ole Tersløse participates in The Wrong - The New Digital Biennale.

The Biennale is an online event divided into several sections. Homeostasis Lab is the segment that features Ole Tersløse.

The Biennale will run from 01.11.2015 - 31.01.2016

10.10.2015 - "Flower Children" featured in Magasinet Kunst.

Ole Tersløse's series Flower Children - now on show at Oxholm Gallery - is featured in a comprehensive essay in the october issue of Magasinet Kunst - a major danish art magazine.

"Flower Children" has been featured on Where's Art too. On occasion of the show the series has received press coverage on Yareah and Almada Newspaper.

09.10.2015 - ISOTOP at Vendsyssel Museum of Art

ISOTOP is a danish art group run by Peter Max-Jakobsen and Ole Tersløse. The aim of the group is to show danish and foreign artists from all over the world at the same place - Vendsyssel Museum of Art.

This time the guests are Hartmut Stockter, Karin Andersen and Aron Demetz. The exhibition opened 10.10.15 and ISOTOP is on show till 06.12.15

29.09.2015 - MUSE®UM 

MUSE®UM has purchased the triptych "The Harbour at 5 PM - no. 1".

MUSE®UM is a museum recognised by the Member State with a certain responsibility for figurative art. Three works from Ole Tersløse's series "Strange Birds" are in the collection of the museum too.

17.09.2015 - New book from Viborg Katedralskole

Viborg Katedralskole has released a book about their art collection that gathers works from a large range of notable danish artists. The book features the works of Ole Tersløse that Viborg Katedralskole purchased in 2012.

One of his works, a piece in the series "The Black Box Project", was chosen for the cover of the book.

05.06.2015 - Where's Art features "Flower Children"

The new series Flower Children that will be exhibited in the summer and fall of 2015 has now been featured at the online art magazine Where's Art.

Where’s Art is based in Rome, but asks for contributions worldwide by inviting international curators and professionals in the arts to present artists from their own contemporary art scene.

01.06.2015 - Squirting with Whales

Sirius Ink has now released "Squirting with Whales - Themes of communication and affection in Ole Terslose's Art"

The book gathers major works from Ole Terslose´s production and has a comprehensive introduction/essay by the danish art critic Torben Sangild.

It can be purchased from amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.

22.05.2015 - Les Monumentoiles, Metz

Ole Tersløse participates in the project "Les Monumentoiles" - an outdoor exhibition in Metz showing large scale inkjet prints. A range of french artists working with manipulated photography participate as well.

homepage for "Les Monumentoiles"

17.10.2014 - BSA Artists, Berlin

On occasion of the release of the book "The Sky is the Limit", showing major works of Ole Tersløse, BSA artists will have a solo show with a selection of Terløse’s works 

advance publicity on Yareah

02.11.2013 - Interview with Giovanni Cervi in "Book de los muertos"

The italian curator Giovanni Cervi has interviewed 26 young, international artists in his e-book  "Book de los muertos" - among others Ole Tersløse.

30.08.2013 - "Lys over Lolland"

Ole Tersløse participates in "Lys over Lolland"  Arts festival at Reventlowmuseet, Lolland.

Advance publicity on "Politiken"

30.08.2013 - "ISOTOP" -  Vendsyssel Museum of Art

Together with Peter Max-Jakobsen Ole Tersløse has establised the Art Group ISOTOP. The aim of the group is to show danish and foreign artists from all over the world at the same place - Vendsyssel Museum of Art.

Article on "Kunstavisen" - (danish)

07.06.2013 - Skive Museum of Art 

Skive Museum of art has purchased three works form the series "Strange birds".